September 23, 2011

Positioning map after survey

From our survey, we gathered the brand perception of the above brands based on her price and quality. Denizen is perceived to be offering reasonable quality products at mid-range prices. Uniqlo, one of her closest competitors, has a better brand perception than Denizen. Uniqlo is recognized as having higher quality products at more affordable prices than Denizen. Both Esprit and Topshop are perceived to be on the higher end in terms of price and quality. On the other hand, Giordano is viewed to perform poorly in terms of her quality and price.

The 45 degree line (diagonal line in the graph above) represents an arbitrary line that follows the theory of price-quality inference. We can see that Uniqlo has higher value as compared to Denizen, thus implying that Uniqlo is perceived as more value-for-money than Denizen.

Our aim would then be to create a niche area for Denizen as we attempt to change her brand perception. 

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